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You Were Robbed.
Drywall hijacked the audio fidelity you bought.

Reclaim the custom speaker performance
you paid for, tighter bass, warmer vocals,
dynamic decibel level.

Drywall Distorts   

Speakers mounted in drywall (paper, chalk, and glue)
generate muddy bass, harsh mid-range vocals, and forfeit decibel level,
distortion caused by the inherent unwanted resonance of drywall. 
Drywall destroys the heart of music and movie soundtracks.      


The SandTrap
Patented Architectural Speaker Tuning System.

In-ceiling SandTrap

The SandTrap crushes drywall distortion. 
Product Specs confirm and explain.
The patented SandTrap architectural speaker tuning system
reclaims the audio performance you paid for,
Tighter bass, Warmer vocals, Restored decibel level.

Priced Right

Only $69.99 each
The easy to install SandTrap accommodates prevailing premium brands 
of custom-installed in-ceiling and in-wall speaker systems.

[Sold each to accommodate surround sound systems.
 Retail Purchase Link               

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Made in USA

CEDIA Expo Tech Starter 5 Winner